Kindergarten is a crucial year for all children so we have structured a comprehensive transition program and plan for students in their first year at school.
Primary school is a big step! Getting ready for school is everything parents need to know about their children going to school for the first time.
Parents can also visit the back to school hub for a one-stop-shop featuring a comprehensive range of practical resources on topics including starting school, learning resources, family wellbeing and additional needs, as well as all the most commonly asked questions, top tips and essentials like:
- catchment areas
- school starting age
- term dates
- immunisation
- transport to and from school.
Best Start
Appointment times are made at the end of the orientation program for parents/caregivers to bring their child to school during the first week of term 1.
This allows for thorough assessment in literacy and numeracy and for teachers to develop individual programs for the students before they start school.
Parents are also interviewed to enable us to gather as much information as possible about ways we can support and motivate your child.
Our school runs the comprehensive L3 program and all kindergarten students access this. Ocean Shores Public School has achieved remarkable reading and writing results due to this program.
Kindergarten students are allocated a year 5 buddy when they come for their orientation. This buddy continues to support your child when they commence the new school year. They help in classroom and playground activities.
Kindergarten students have their own playground area where they are supported by their buddies and teachers.
Kindergarten teachers have no other allocated playground duty in the first month so that they can be available to assist kindergarten students.
Early Finish
During the first two weeks of term 1 parents have the option of collecting students from school at 2:45pm. This is helpful in assisting students adjust to a five day week.
Parent Involvement
Parents are strongly encouraged to: