Ocean Shores Public School

Do Your Best

Telephone02 6680 2766


Canteen and P & C

Canteen Menu 2025

School Canteen

The Ocean Shores Public School canteen is committed to promoting and providing nutritious and delicious food for our students and staff.

Canteen is open on Monday's and Friday's serving snacks at recess break and lunches and snacks at lunch break.

To order lunch, students write their name, class, order and total price on a paper bag and bring it to the canteen before first bell at 9:15am on Monday or Friday morning. If you would like to order sushi, please have your orders in to the office by Thursday for canteen on Friday or Friday for canteen on Monday.

Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more.

Our current school canteen menu shows what is available, the price and explains the ordering process.

The canteen is operated by our P & C and we are always looking for volunteers to help us provide the freshest and healthiest food for our student and staff at an affordable price.

If you have an hour or so to spare on a Monday or Friday (even just once a term) Please fill in a volunteer form at the front office.

Parents & Citizens Association

Our school Parents & Citizens Association (P & C) is a vital organisation in our school and we urge you to join or become involved in the P & C activities.

The association plays an active role in decision making and school planning as well as undertaking fundraising aimed at improving learning opportunities for our students.

Their efforts in recent years have seen:

  • Important developments in technology realised.
  • Air condictioning of all classrooms.
  • Cooling of the hall.
  • Playground improvments.
  • Provisions of technology and reading resources.
  • Direct student subsidies and many other kinds of support.

The P & C has also been successful in attracting over $65,000 in grants to support our environmental and creative arts programs.